Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist?
"Dietitians are health professionals who can help translate scientific information about nutrition into practical advice for people who need their services.
While both nutritionists and dietitians provide nutrition guidance, a dietitian is someone who has reached a certain level of competency through university study. This includes theory and assessment covering clinical nutrition, medical nutrition therapy and food service management.
In Australia all dietitians are considered to be nutritionists however, nutritionists without a dietetics qualification cannot take on the specialised role of a dietitian.
Dietitians can assess how adequate your nutritional intake is for your individual needs.
This insight can be helpful for anyone, whether you’re healthy, have a specific illness, or are somewhere in between. Examples include nutrition for weight management, pregnancy, and for general health and wellbeing.
Dietitians assist with managing many illnesses but may be of particular help with conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, gastro-intestinal disease and food allergies."
- information taken from the Dietitians Association of Australia Website. For more information please visit www.daa.asn.au
What to expect in my appointments?
During an initial consultation I will gather all relevant information to assist with designing a specific eating plan suited to your condition.
This typically includes your
medical conditions,
activity levels,
details of any recent blood tests,
any associated symptoms and
usual foods eaten.
I will then assist you with understanding the ways in which your condition is affected by specific foods and either develop a food plan with you, or guide you to make small changes to your food and lifestyle to improve your condition.
Follow-up consultations will involve
monitoring improvements in your condition & symptoms,
whilst making adjustments where necessary, and
continuing to support you with your diet and lifestyle changes.